Kids and Bees and Gardens, Oh My!


  • Lauren Pollock, Insect Ecology and Conservation, University of Delaware

Faculty Mentor(s)

  • Deborah Delaney, CANR, Insect Ecology and Conservation, University of Delaware


Pollinators are responsible for pollinating over 90% of flowering plants and are critical to ecosystem health and stability. Therefore, the focus of the Extension Scholars Pollination Ecology Internship for 2023 was to generate extension and outreach activities for the public using the apiary and newly established pollinator waystation garden as its classroom. Our overall goals were to make visitors and youth more comfortable and familiar with flower visiting insects and to deepen their understanding of the ecosystem service of pollination that many of them provide. To achieve these goals, multiple activities were designed to educate people of all ages with a special focus on children in grades K-12. All of the physical learning activities and modules are designed to take place in the apiary and pollinator waystation garden. This will allow participants to understand how a functioning apiary works and also shed light on the dietary needs of many beneficial insects. Lessons and activities for adults have also been developed, however, the content and structure of these activities were designed with an older audience in mind with different learning outcomes. In total, over 10 activities focusing on pollination and flower visiting insects were developed to use when needed for outreach events throughout the year.