Lack of Structure for Foster Kids during the System and After


  • Jasmine Pennington, Criminal Justice, University of Delaware

Faculty Mentor(s)

  • Cresean Hughes, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice, University of Delaware


The original purpose of this research was to find some possible correlation between after-school programs and a decrease in juvenile crime based on each district. However, there was more evidence and statistics on emancipated youth and their newfound living circumstances. These foster kids have to find a way to prosper in society and they virtually have no room for failure. Of course, to combat this issue, many states have started transitional living facilities with low rent to help these emancipated youth from being homeless. Also, there was some cause for discussion on how much a stable environment affects foster children and how their educational performance shows no room for improvement. The majority of the research was focused on Delaware’s foster care policies, but the utilization of studies nationally aided this project. Most cases result in the child not having their needs met based on these policies writing their needs for them. These kids are trapped in a system that does not advocate for their mental or physical health requirements for thriving in a transitional period. These kids either are reunified with their parents or emancipated from the system or become runaways from the abuse endured in the system.