Leading and Learning with Animal Science Extension


  • Rylee Ridgely, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Oklahoma State University

Faculty Mentor(s)

  • Susan Garey, Extension, University of Delaware


Leading and Learning through animal science extension has been the motto for my summer internship with Mrs. Garey. Mrs. Garey is the Kent Count Director, Animal Science Agent & 4-H youth and development program coordinator. Throughout the summer I have assisted Mrs. Garey with a multitude of activities, competitions, and events. My most memorable experience of the summer was traveling to Washinton D.C., and Milford Delaware with the Nuffield scholars. In D.C. we toured the USDA Headquarters and ended the day tasting lamb and mingling with associates at the New Zealand Embassy. On the second Nuffield trip, we spent two days hearing from farmers in Hurlock Maryland about what agricultural, wildlife is like in their area. We then traveled to Milford Delaware where we got a tour of the Purdue Processing plant. I have a newfound appreciation for poultry farmers, managers, and factory workers.

Mrs. Garey and I rounded out the summer by preparing and mentoring youth competing in various 4-h competitions at the Delaware State Fair (DSF). The long, hot, and awesome DSF came to an end on July 29th. Over the 10 days, I had the privilege of coordinating and helping with the 4-h livestock, horse, and Poultry judging competitions, The State 4-H Horse Show, and The Dairy Futurity Script. My favorite part was watching the future of  4-H and agriculture flourish in the hands of the youth. I am thankful to have had an opportunity that contributes to my passion for agriculture.