Student-Centered Learning: Leveraging AI TAs for Educational Success


  • Vincent Tucci, Finance, University of Delaware

Faculty Mentor(s)

  • James Butkiewicz, Economics, University of Delaware


In response to the increasing demand for self-learning and the rising popularity of online education, this project explores the development of integrating AI chatbot teacher’s assistants (TAs) in business classes, namely in finance, accounting, and economics. As educational platforms evolve, innovative solutions are sought to enhance the learning experience and support students in virtual environments. 

One of the key benefits of AI TAs lies in their ability to provide real-time assistance and personalized feedback to students. This instant support can prove invaluable, especially in remote learning settings where immediate access to help might otherwise be limited, fostering a more engaging learning experience. AI TAs offer increased scalability, allowing educational institutions to cater to a larger student base without compromising the quality of support. The AI TAs can adapt to students’ unique learning styles and preferences, creating a more tailored and efficient learning process.

This project emphasizes the potential impact of AI chatbot TAs in self-learning and online education within the realm of business studies. By providing real-time assistance, personalized feedback, and instant responses to student inquiries, AI TAs have the capacity to address challenges posed by remote learning settings. With their real-time assistance, personalized feedback, and constant availability, AI TAs can bridge the gap between students and knowledge, creating a dynamic and interactive virtual learning environment that prepares students for success in the world of business education.