Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Veronica Parcells Lance Winn Special Effects Makeup as an Artistic Medium Read Abstract 2019
Alexander Pardus Jennifer Buckley Building an Ecosystem of Learning Read Abstract 2017
Krisha Parekh Jessica Tanis Investigating the effects of stam-1 on extracellular vesicle biogenesis Read Abstract 2023
Krisha Parekh Jessica Tanis Investigating the Role of the CIL-1 Phosphatase in Extracellular Vesicle Biogenesis Read Abstract 2024
Sheridan Parker,
Rene Lopez
Dustin Roberts,
Jill Higginson,
Karin Gravare Silbernagel
Forefoot versus Rear Foot Loading Validation Using the Smartboot Read Abstract 2017
Gabrielle Parker Christopher J. Roberts Expression and Purification of Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor Read Abstract 2016
Julia Parker Kent Messer Consumer Preferences for Wine Grapes Irrigated with Nontraditional Water Sources Read Abstract 2017
Julia Parker Kent Messer Examining Group Pressures Regarding Nontraditional Water Consumption Read Abstract 2018
Jasmine Parks,
Nicole Nordone
Clara Chan Purification and Localization of MofA, a metal oxidizing protein from Leptothrix cholodnii SP-6 Read Abstract 2024
Jan Parsons Karl Miletti-Gonzalez CD44-associated Response to Hydrogen Peroxide-mediated Oxidative Stress in MCF-7 and MCF-7/CD44s Breast Cancer Cell Lines Read Abstract 2016
Aliyah Parsons Hong Li Activations of Different Ammonia Amendments for Poultry Operations Under Winter Climate Read Abstract 2019
Lauren Paschall,
Shubo Wang
Liyun Wang Imaging Breast Cancer Metastasis over Endothelium to Bone Read Abstract 2017
Anastasia Pashukov Jia Song,
Karen Hoober
Investigating Transport Mechanisms of Mitotic Spindle Localized Transcripts Read Abstract 2023
Chris Pasquale Hossain Zubaer Implications of Phonons on Thermoelectric Properties in Semiconducting Solids under Stress Read Abstract 2017
Christopher Pasquale Joseph Feser Thermal Resistance of Epitaxial Interfaces Read Abstract 2018
Jan Passas Yuping Zeng GaN HEMT Characterization and its System Integration for Radiation Robustness on the ISS Read Abstract 2023
Aashiv Patel Robert Opila Modeling High Efficiency Carrier-Selective Solar Cells Read Abstract 2018
Vishva Patel Gang Wang A Study on Student Procrastination via Canvas Clickstream Data Read Abstract 2019
Jesal Patel Kevin Solomon Adapting the Interior and Exterior Cargo of Barley-Stripe Mosaic Virus-Like Particles Read Abstract 2024
Het Patel Jun Xu Safety Analysis of Sodium Ion Battery under Mechanical Abuse: Nail Penetration and Ball Indentation Tests Read Abstract 2024
Shrey Patel Jessica Tanis Identification of Genes that Affect Acetylcholine Signaling at the C. elegans Neuromuscular Junction Read Abstract 2017
Aadi Patel Satwik Patnaik Hardware Trojan Detection using Generative AI Read Abstract 2024
Darsh Patel Jamie Benson,
Dawn Elliot,
Alvin Su
In-Vivo Evaluation of Meniscal Displacement Using an MRI-Compatible Knee Loading Device Read Abstract 2024
Akshay Patel April Kloxin,
Wilfred Chen,
Christopher Kloxin
Recombinant Synthesis of Light-Responsive Proteins for Bundlemer Hinge Applications Read Abstract 2024
Krushali Patel Hakeem Lawal Interactions Involving Commercially-used Pesticides in a Drosophila Model of Parkinson’s Disease Read Abstract 2017
Jesal Patel Kevin Solomon,
Akash Vaidya
Surface Functionalization of Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus (BSMV) Virus-Like Particles (VLPs) Read Abstract 2023
Akshay Patel Kristi Kiick Investigating expression conditions used to synthesize recombinant proteins Read Abstract 2023
Sana Patil Reid Nichols,
Chris Church
Health-Related Quality of Life in Ambulatory Children with Physical Disabilities Read Abstract 2023
Sana Patil Sarah Goldring Community Health Educator Response to Vaccine Hesitancy Trainings Read Abstract 2024
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