Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Moira Gervay Katie Leech Typography Beyond Borders: A Comparison in Design Systems of the United States and the United Kingdom Read Abstract 2023
Steffan Ghin Jovan Tatar Durability of Composites Derived from Renewable Resources Read Abstract 2023
Baze Gianiodis Jaclyn Schwarz Effects of maternal immune activation with lipopolysaccharide on adult offspring behaviors and immune regulation Read Abstract 2023
Jessica Gibbons,
Ikira Peace
Anjana Bhat “Take Physical Therapy by the Hand and Dance”: The Effects of Creative Dance Therapies on the Social Communication and Motor Skills on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Read Abstract 2016
Cannon Giglio Steven Brown Using the Elastic Net Regression to Select Variables Read Abstract 2016
Olivia Giglio,
Maeghan Anderson
Suzanne Burton Beat Goes On Read Abstract 2016
Brandon Gilbert Sebastian Cioaba Analyzing Graphs through their eigenvalues Read Abstract 2019
Brandon Gilbert Sebastian Cioaba Addressings of Graphs and Networks Read Abstract 2018
Nicole Gill Catherine Fromen Survival Analysis and Identification of Pro-Survival Signal From Macrophages Treated With PEG-Based Nanoparticles Read Abstract 2023
Haley Gill Jennifer Semrau Does Proprioception Matter in a Dynamic Bimanual Object Task? Read Abstract 2019
Natalie Ginn Anna Klintsova Effect of Third Trimester Equivalent Alcohol Exposure on Cholinergic Circuitry of the Forebrain in Rodents Read Abstract 2018
Logan Girton Karin Silbernagel,
Patrick Corrigan
Short-term effects of low-level laser therapy on the Achilles tendon in healthy individuals Read Abstract 2016
Thomas Giusetti Romain Valery Roy Torsional Galloping as a Method of Energy Harvesting Read Abstract 2018
Alyssa Givens Heidi Kecskemethy,
Steven Bachrach,
H. Theodore Harcke
Long-term Effects of Bisphosphonates on Bone Health in Children with Cerebral Palsy Read Abstract 2016
Jack Glicker Abby Donovan Cyph: A Vision for the Future of Live Entertainment Read Abstract 2019
Rebecca Glinn Jennifer Naccarelli The Role of Pornography in Understanding Consent Read Abstract 2016
Eriq Gloria David Martin Electrodeposition of Conjugated Polymer Bio-Nanocomposites Read Abstract 2017
Kirsten Gobb Martha Carothers This Book Has a Stick in It: And Other Challenges in Archival Processing and Conservation of Artist Books Read Abstract 2018
Morgan Gobin Sharon Neal Dynamic and Steady-State Fluorescence Characterization of Water-Equilibrated Octanol using Derivatized Anthracene Probes Read Abstract 2018
Neil Godbole Christopher Price Tracking the Retention of ELP-CLP Nanoparticles in the Joint Space After Intra-Articular Injection Read Abstract 2019
Daniel Godzieba Michael Shay Energy Analysis of MHD Turbulence in Magnetic Reconnection Read Abstract 2018
Daniel Godzieba Michael Shay Energy Analysis of MHD Turbulence in Magnetic Reconnection Read Abstract 2018
Max Gold,
Joy McCusker,
Rebecca Ralston
Jon Cox,
Julie Bruck,
McKay Jenkins
Cultivating Horticultural Legacy through Visual Media Read Abstract 2017
Ian Goldie Erik Thostenson Carbon Nanotube based Piezoresistive Sensors for Human Motion Detection Read Abstract 2017
Lillian Goldman Muller Aditya Dutta Metabolic Role of Homeodomain-Containing Transcription Factors in Reproductive Organs Read Abstract 2019
Sara Goldstein,
Chaoyi Xu
Juan Perilla Insights on the Molecular Mechanisms During the Life Cycle of HIV Read Abstract 2019
Amanda Goldstein Philip Duker Formal Function of the “Pop-Drop” in Popular Music Read Abstract 2018
Erin Gollhardt Mark Parcells Analysis of the Effects of Exosomes from Chicken Serum on Macrophage Signaling Read Abstract 2019
Erin Gollhardt Mark Parcells Expression of the Chicken KIN17 Homolog and its Role in Increased Marek’s Disease Virus (MDV) Virulence Read Abstract 2018
Julie Gomez Jaclyn Schwarz Examination of Maternal Immune Activation on the Inflammatory Response of the Placenta and Fetal Immune System Read Abstract 2016
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