Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Gregory Patterson Amy Biddle Primer design for identification of strongyles species Read Abstract 2016
Darlaine Paul Laura Lessard The Importance of Understanding and Improving Health Insurance Literacy Read Abstract 2017
Amanda Paul Hong Li Evaluation of Broiler Activities Affected by Presence of Windows Read Abstract 2018
Nicholas Pautler,
Jasmine Shirazi,
Allyson Dang
Jason Gleghorn Toward Single Cell Encapsulation in Shear-Thinning Droplets for High-Throughput Disease Models Read Abstract 2018
Ikira Peace,
Kelly McGowan
Anjana Bhat,
Lynnette Overby
“Take Physical Therapy by the Hand and Dance”: A Play Intervention Study on Children with Autism Read Abstract 2017
Ikira Peace,
Jessica Gibbons
Anjana Bhat “Take Physical Therapy by the Hand and Dance”: The Effects of Creative Dance Therapies on the Social Communication and Motor Skills on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Read Abstract 2016
Ikira Peace Lynnette Overby Women of Consequence: South Africa and the United States Read Abstract 2018
Taylor Pearlstein Jocelyn Alcantara-Garcia The Norwich Textile Industry: Uncovering the Secrets of Dyeing in 18th c. England Read Abstract 2016
Kara Pelster Eric Furst Linear viscoelastic measurements of polymer solutions and gels Read Abstract 2018
Miranda Penney,
Dylan McConell
Cheng-Yu Lai APC Tumor Suppressor Protein for Treatment of Colon Cancer Read Abstract 2017
Jasmine Pennington Cresean Hughes Lack of Structure for Foster Kids during the System and After Read Abstract 2023
Grace Pennington,
Zoe Federman
Signe Bell Building Capacity in Nonprofit & Community Organizations and Faith-Based Organizations Read Abstract 2019
Lucas Pensinger Danielle Dixson Effects of ocean acidification on the growth of egg and larval stages of Limulus polyphemus Read Abstract 2016
Arif Peracha,
Kiara Norman,
Andrew Sprague,
Patrick Corrigan
Karin Silbernagel Comparing Achilles Tendon Mechanical Properties and Jump Performance Between Dominant and Non-Dominant Legs in Healthy Individuals Read Abstract 2019
Charlie-Ann Perez Jacob Bowman Morphometrics of Sika Calves and Hinds Read Abstract 2024
Ryann Perez Neal Zondlow Design and Synthesis of pSer-Pro Dipeptides for Tuning cis/trans Isomerism Read Abstract 2019
Miranda Perez Rivera Janice Barlow,
Erin Nescott
Communicating Data to Support Child Well-Being in Delaware Read Abstract 2023
Lindsey Perez-Perez April Veness Lessons Learned in School and Life: a storytelling collaboration with the Hispanic Student Parent Mentor Association Read Abstract 2019
Alyssa Perrin Jeremy Bird Adapting a ppGpp Biosensor To Alternative E.coli Strains Read Abstract 2023
Alexander Perros Sunitha Sadula,
Dionysios Vlachos
Synthesis and Property Evaluation of Branched Bio-Lubricants Read Abstract 2023
Lauren Perry Michael Gitcho INDUCTION OF HSP-27 REDUCES ENDOGENOUS TDP-43 Read Abstract 2017
Benjamin Persondek Cory Budischak,
Daniel Kasper
Guide to Enrolling in the Pilot Program for Community Solar Projects in Maryland Read Abstract 2017
Michayla Petel Jaclyn Megan Sions Adults with Lower-Limb Amputations: Higher Residual Limb Pain Intensity is Associated with Poorer Physical Function Read Abstract 2017
Emma Peterman Catherine Fromen Lobe-Specific Deposition of Inhaled Nanoparticles in an Intubated Lung Model Read Abstract 2019
Christopher Peters Joshua Cashaback Human Motor Planning Approaches but Fails to Achieve Optimal Indecisiveness Read Abstract 2023
Ryan Petery Leonard Cimini Estimating the Underwater Acoustic Channel Using Adaptive Filtering Algorithms Read Abstract 2019
John Pfreundschuh Valery Roy,
Ajay Prasad
Engineering Analysis of a Torsional Galloping Wind Energy Harvester Read Abstract 2016
Lisa Pham April Veness The First Generation American Dream: How First Generation Students of Immigrant Families Navigate Higher Education Read Abstract 2017
Lisa Pham Robert Hampel Country Schoolma’am: How Teaching Influenced Women’s Roles in Rural Communities Read Abstract 2016
L Khawn Phang Christina Barbieri Improving Mathematical Achievement: Investigating The Impact of Errorful Learning Intervention on Metacognition Read Abstract 2023
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