Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Sabrina Sierra Ioannis Poulakakis Studying Gait Transitions with Periodic Gait Primitives Read Abstract 2018
Benjamin Silverman Zubaer Hossain Predicting a Pathway for Engineering Compositionally Varying Thin Film for Solar Applications Read Abstract 2017
Paul Simeone Shawn Polson,
Jacob Dums
Improving Viral Metagenome Integrity by Minimizing Background Environmental DNA Read Abstract 2019
Kendal Simmons Michele Lobo Testing the effectiveness of the hard Pediatric Wilmington Robotic Exoskeleton (P- WREX) vs. soft garment-based Playskin Lift TM exoskeleton in improving upper-extremity mobility, reaching, and object exploration in a child with arthrogryposis. Read Abstract 2016
Casey Lu Simon-Plumb Laurens Holmes Jr. Pediatric Second Primary Thyroid Cancer: Epidemiologic Characterization & Radiation Implication Read Abstract 2017
Trent Simonetti Sibao Liu Catalytic Hydrodeoxygenation of Renewable Oils to Diesel-range Hydrocarbons Using Ir-ReOx/SiO2 Catalyst Read Abstract 2017
Jenna Simons Anna Wik UD Early Learning Center Outdoor Learning Environment Design Development Read Abstract 2019
Joshua Simpson Eric Wommack,
Shawn Polson,
Jacob Dums
Phenotypic Consequences of Mutating DNA Polymerase A Residue 762 in T7 Bacteriophage Read Abstract 2019
Ashley Simpson Hacene Boukari Effect of Nanodiamonds on the Viability of the Human Breast Adenocarcinoma Cell Line Read Abstract 2017
Nicole Simpson Lisa Jaremka The Effect of Mindfulness of Emotion Regulation in Adults with PTSD Read Abstract 2019
Aman Singh Mahya Ghandehari Experimental Implementation and Verification of Spectral Seriation Read Abstract 2023
Jaclyn Singh,
Matthew Sayanlar,
Andrew Sayanlar
Fouad Kiamilev Hardware Development for Infrared Systems Read Abstract 2019
Nitya Singh Arit Ghosh Exploring the role of Proteostasis in Erythroid Differentiation Read Abstract 2024
Ankit Singh Pei Chiu Biochar as a Terminal Electron Acceptor for Geobacter Metallireducens Respiration Read Abstract 2024
April Singleton,
Amber Rance,
Kennedy Medley,
Christian Wills,
Ikira Peace
Lynnette Overby The Value of Summer Learning – How Making Summer S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Helps our Students Thrive Socially Read Abstract 2019
April Singleton Lynnette Y. Overby The Legacy Project – Designing and Implementing a Movement Workshop Series for Secondary School Students to Enhance Their Appreciation for Women, History, and Dance Read Abstract 2018
Brian Sipko Mark Blenner Secretion and Purification of the Hydrophobin, RodA Read Abstract 2023
Dillon Siple Yu-Ping Chin Effects of Solid Phase Extraction on Stemflow DOM Properties Read Abstract 2023
Jake Sitison David Edwards Application of the heat balance integral method in 3-D printing extrusion rate maximization Read Abstract 2019
Philip Sitterle Matthew Doty Synthesis and Characterization of Lanthanide-Doped Nanocrystals for Photon Upconversion and Drug Delivery Read Abstract 2017
Stephen Skaar,
David Woodruff
Jon Cox Road To Freedom: The Story of Thomas Garrett Read Abstract 2018
Ryan Skinner Randall Duncan PEG-RGDS Stiffness Determines Chondrocyte Sensitivity to Osmolarity via TRPV4 Regulation Read Abstract 2018
Michael Skivers Stephanie Stotts,
Michael Valenti
Tree growth and cellular response: 20 years after a major ice storm in Kent and Sussex, Delaware Read Abstract 2017
Michael Skivers Marcia Fox,
Robert Palmer
Turning Despicable into Livable: A Statewide Analysis to Identify High Risk Lawns for Water Quality Read Abstract 2016
Gerard Skourlis Jack Gillespie,
Lukas Fuessel
Application of UV-Curing Resins for In-Place Pipe Repair Read Abstract 2023
Delaney Slattery Katya Roelse Artisanship Meets Technology: Laser Cutting to Create an Ann Lowe Installation for Winterthur Read Abstract 2023
Nyle Smith Esther Biswas-Fiss,
Jazzlyn Jones
Efficiency of Chitin Column Chromatography in the Purification of ECD2 Subdomain-αβ6 Expressed in the NiCo21 (DE3) Strain of E. Coli Read Abstract 2017
Chanel Smith Hyosub Kim Dissociating implicit motor learning from variable sensory prediction versus target errors Read Abstract 2019
Megan Smith Megan Killian Visualizing embryonic expression of FGF-9/18 and Scleraxis mRNA in the tendon-to-bone attachment Read Abstract 2018
Erin Smith Jessica Tanis A cytoplasmic role for a Histone Methyltransferase in C. elegans muscle development Read Abstract 2019
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