Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Matt LeCates,
Xavier Stevenson
Zubaer Hossain Atomistic Basis of Thermomechanical Property Variations in Defective Hypersonic Materials Read Abstract 2023
Daniel Lee Mark Mirotznik Force Sensor Fabrication Using CNT-Silicone Composite Read Abstract 2019
Krystal Lee Sheau Ching Chai Relationship Between Antioxidant Intake, Bone Health and Body Composition Read Abstract 2016
Chelsea Lee Jia Song MicroRNA-31 Regulation of Eve Expression in the Early Sea Urchin Embryo Read Abstract 2017
Chelsea Lee Jia Song MicroRNA-31 Regulation of Eve Expression Read Abstract 2018
Natalie Lefton Raul Lobo Comparison of Zinc Substituted Zeolites for Carbon Monoxide Oxidation Read Abstract
Sean Lein Ramona Neunuebel Identifying phosphoinositide binding regions in Legionella pneumophila effector proteins Read Abstract 2016
Isabella Leite April Kloxin,
Wilfred Chen,
Christopher Kloxin
Scalable Biosynthesis of Peptide Building Blocks and Nano Materials Read Abstract 2023
Hannah Grace Lemacks Vijay Parashar Purification and characterization of cyclic-di-AMP receptor CabPA of Streptococcus mutans Read Abstract 2018
Elisabeth Lemmon Megan Killian Structural Properties and Composition of the Tendon-Bone Attachment are Altered Following Acute Partial-Width, Full-Thickness Tendon-Bone Injury in a Rat Rotator Cuff Defect Model Read Abstract 2017
Kyle Lennon Matthew Doty Quantification of Upconversion Photoluminescence Quantum Yield in CdSe(Te)/CdS/CdSe Nanostructures Read Abstract 2017
Samantha Leonard Laura Eisenman Examining the Social Networks of College-Aged Students with and without Intellectual Disabilities Read Abstract 2017
Samantha Leonard Laura Eisenman Examining the Social Networks of College-Aged Students with and without Intellectual Disabilities Read Abstract 2017
Charlotte Leslie Jessica Tanis Determining the Cellular Expression Pattern of EPsiN homolog EPN-1 in Caenorhabditis elegans Read Abstract 2018
Charlotte Leslie Jessica Tanis Validation of differentially expressed genes in amyloid beta-expressing C. elegans fed different diets Read Abstract 2019
Noah Leslie Sambeeta Das Microrobots for Monitoring and Treating Sickle-Cell Induced Ischemia Read Abstract 2023
Jacob Letnaunchyn Donald Watson,
Jessica Sampson
Enhancing Reproducibility in Organic Chemistry and Analytical Data Comparisons Read Abstract 2023
Jacob Letnaunchyn Don Watson Assessment of Directing Groups in Reductive Coupling Reactions Read Abstract 2024
Sarah Leung Dave Burris Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogels Read Abstract 2016
Brendan Lewis John Aromando Assessing the Utility of LLMs in Generating Effective Student Feedback Read Abstract 2023
Darielle Lewis-Sanders Calvin Keeler,
Sharon Keeler
Cloning and Expression of Avian Genes Read Abstract 2017
Darielle Lewis-Sanders Calvin Keeler Cloning and Expression of Avian Genes Read Abstract 2017
Tajah Lewter Raymond Green Sensitivity of Physical Examination in Blunt Pelvic Trauma: What We Think We Know Read Abstract 2018
Diana Li Louis Rossi,
Nicholas Russell
Mathematical Modeling of Phytoplankton Behavior Read Abstract 2018
Qirun Li Millicent Sullivan Histone Mimetic Peptide Mediated Delivery of Suicide Enzyme for Inflammatory Breast Cancer Cells Read Abstract 2019
Wenbin Li David Edwards A Mathematical Perspective of a Multicomponent Reaction Read Abstract 2016
Xiangqi Li Tingyi Gu,
Bennett Maruca
Evaluation of Integrated Silicon Nanophotonic Circuits in Space Read Abstract 2017
Wenbin Li Karl Unruh Inverse Modeling of Diffusion in a Bimetallic Core/Shell Nanoparticle Read Abstract 2017
Daniel Liang Sunita Chandrasekaran Enhancing Performance of Physics Simulations and Linear Algebra Programs Using OpenACC and OpenMP Read Abstract 2016
Dong Liang Francisco-Javier Sayas Vectorized Implementation of Deep Neural Networks and Application to Classification of Signals Read Abstract 2018
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