Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Alexia Stock Rachel Davidson Influence of prior experience on homeowner retrofit decision making Read Abstract 2019
Christian Stoltz Deborah Delaney,
Daniel Borkoski
Hive Notes: Integrating Technology to Evaluate Honey Bee Colonies Across Geographic Locations Read Abstract 2018
Tesa Stone Amy Biddle An In Vitro Assessment of the Effects of Flunixin Meglumine on the Equine Gastric Microbiome Read Abstract 2018
Curtis Strab Christopher Roberts Specific protein-excipient interactions and conformational stability of α-chymotrypsinogen A with density and calorimetric measurements Read Abstract 2016
Karlee Stritzinger,
Heather Latchford
Carol Malkin The Thermic Effect of Digestion Under Various Fasting Conditions Read Abstract 2016
Ariel Strouse Amy Biddle Management and Nutritional Factors Associated with Body Condition in Horses Read Abstract 2019
Alissa Strouse Thomas Kaminski,
Bethany Wisthoff
Multiple Testing Reliability Analysis of the Y-Balance Test in a Healthy Population Read Abstract 2018
Alissa Strouse Thomas Kaminski Assessing Balance and Neurocognitive Function After an Acute Bout of Heading in Youth Female Soccer Players Read Abstract 2019
Alissa Strouse Thomas Kaminski,
Bethany Wisthoff
Multiple Testing Reliability Analysis of the Y-Balance Test in a Healthy Population Read Abstract 2018
Alexander Stubbolo Deni Galileo Can L1CAM Secreting Cells Act as “Pathfinders” for Brain Cancer? Read Abstract 2017
Alexander Stubbolo Deni Galileo Does L1CAM Provide Chemotactic Signals That Instruct Migrating Glioblastoma Cells? Read Abstract 2016
Alexander Stubbolo Deni Galileo Does L1CAM Provide Chemotactic Signals That Instruct Migrating Glioblastoma Cells? Read Abstract 2016
Jonathan Stuchlik Fabrizio Sergi Calibration of Magnetic Resonance Elastography for Muscle Force and Stiffness Measurement Read Abstract 2018
Amanda Studnicki Fabrizio Sergi Rocking or Rolling? A Kinematic Analysis of the Leg during the Stance Phase of Normal Walking Read Abstract 2017
Laura Sturgill John Slater Photopolymerizable and Degradable Semi-Synthetic Blood Clots to Replicate Microstrokes in a Tissue-Engineered in Vitro Model Read Abstract 2017
Laura Sturgill John Slater Antibody Treatment of Endothelial Cells to Inhibit Circulating Tumor Cell Docking Read Abstract 2016
Annelise Su Michell Fullmer,
Heidi Kecskemethy
Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Newly Diagnosed Pediatric Oncology Patients Read Abstract 2018
Logan Suchanec Jamie Phillips,
Abhilasha Kamboj
Characterization and Outdoor Evaluation of Photovoltaic Cell I-V Curves for Power Generation Read Abstract 2023
Lucy Sullivan Sigrid Langhans Development of Tool for High-Throughput Drug Discovery in Drug-Resistant Medulloblastoma Read Abstract 2016
David Sun,
Michael Lan,
Brian Graham,
Axel Moore
Christopher Price,
David Burris
Mechanobiology of Tribological Rehydration in Cartilage Read Abstract 2016
Connor Swalm Francisco Sayas Exploring Continuum Models of Viscoelastic Materials Read Abstract 2017
Narra Swanson Nikita Varde,
Molly Sutherland
Optimization of a Bacterial Two-Hybrid Assay to Determine the Optimal Temperature and E. Coli Strain for Cytochrome c Biogenesis System I protein:protein interactions Read Abstract 2024
Greta Sweeney,
Christina Conlin,
Elizabeth Van Winkle
Vicki Cassman Making Art Accessible: Our Summer at Winterthur Museum and the Salvation Army Read Abstract 2016
Kallie Sweetman Tim Vickery,
Helene Intraub
Anterior visual regions reflect boundary extension for remembered scenes Read Abstract 2023
Phoenix Swiacki Swati Singh Spatial Correlation and Modeling of Dark Matter Signals Across the Globe Read Abstract 2023
Maura Swift Thomas Epps Sugar-Based Thermoresponsive Block Copolymers Read Abstract 2017
Adrianna Szostek Eric Benson,
Robert Alphin
Evaluation of open source affordable and portable vehicle undercarriage decontamination station Read Abstract 2018
Adrianna Szostek Eric Benson,
Robert Alphin,
Daniel Hougentogler
Efficacy of Foam Applied Disinfectants in Inactivating Infectious Bronchitis Virus in the Presence of an Organic Load Read Abstract 2017
Peyton Szymborski Hong Li Thermal Environmental Stress of Broilers During Transportation Affected by Climate Condition Read Abstract 2018
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