Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Darielle Lewis-Sanders Calvin Keeler,
Sharon Keeler
Cloning and Expression of Avian Genes Read Abstract 2017
Darielle Lewis-Sanders Calvin Keeler Cloning and Expression of Avian Genes Read Abstract 2017
Tajah Lewter Raymond Green Sensitivity of Physical Examination in Blunt Pelvic Trauma: What We Think We Know Read Abstract 2018
Diana Li Louis Rossi,
Nicholas Russell
Mathematical Modeling of Phytoplankton Behavior Read Abstract 2018
Qirun Li Millicent Sullivan Histone Mimetic Peptide Mediated Delivery of Suicide Enzyme for Inflammatory Breast Cancer Cells Read Abstract 2019
Wenbin Li David Edwards A Mathematical Perspective of a Multicomponent Reaction Read Abstract 2016
Xiangqi Li Tingyi Gu,
Bennett Maruca
Evaluation of Integrated Silicon Nanophotonic Circuits in Space Read Abstract 2017
Wenbin Li Karl Unruh Inverse Modeling of Diffusion in a Bimetallic Core/Shell Nanoparticle Read Abstract 2017
Daniel Liang Sunita Chandrasekaran Enhancing Performance of Physics Simulations and Linear Algebra Programs Using OpenACC and OpenMP Read Abstract 2016
Dong Liang Francisco-Javier Sayas Vectorized Implementation of Deep Neural Networks and Application to Classification of Signals Read Abstract 2018
Matt Librizzi Daniel White Validating the Posture and Physical Activity Index to Identify Sedentary Behavior in Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis Read Abstract 2024
Maria Lilley Fabrizio Sergi Belt velocity or acceleration? Identification of key parameters in training propulsion during walking Read Abstract 2019
Maria Limmina Fidelma Boyd Investigating the Role of Bacterial Cell Wall Modifications in Fitness and Survival Read Abstract 2016
Minwei Lin Aditya Kunjapur Biosynthesis and Ribosomal Incorporation of 4-Nitro-L-phenylalanine Read Abstract 2019
Jenny Lin Mona Batish RNAs Found in Exosomes from Ewing’s Sarcoma Read Abstract 2018
Amy Lin Deni Galileo Identification of Microglial Cells During Chick Embryo Brain Development Using Different Markers Read Abstract 2019
Brian Lindner Eric Bloch Synthesis and Characterization of Charged Molecular Cages Read Abstract 2018
Ania Lipat Darcy Reisman Neurophysiologic and Behavioral Mechanisms of Post-Stroke Locomotion Learning Read Abstract 2016
Clare Lipscombe Joseph Fox Synthesis of Functional, Nonsymmetric Tetrazines via Palladium-Catalzyed Cross-Couplings using Organostannanes and Organoboranes Read Abstract 2018
Sabrina Liskey Darrin Pochan Effect of Varying Solution Conditions and External Residues on Nanoparticle Assembly of Peptide Bundles Read Abstract 2023
Jaclyn Littmann Jessica Tanis Investigation of CIL-7 and its Role in Extracellular Vesicle Release Read Abstract 2019
Boning Liu Juzhong Tan Biochar in Wastewater Treatment: Effective Ammonia Filtration and Environmental Benefits Read Abstract 2024
Yifeng Liu Chengmo Yang Compiler Based Fault Injection Experiment Read Abstract 2016
Vivian Liu Teomara Rutherford Career Barriers and Minority Undergraduate Students Read Abstract 2024
Jingqing Liu Xing Gao Invisible Threats in the Met-Averse: Investigating Roblox’s Security Vulnerabilities Read Abstract 2023
Joel Lobban Timothy Vickery Category Learning and Visual Statistical Learning Read Abstract 2019
Alison Lobo James Hoffman Can Emotional Stimuli Overcome the Attentional Blink Without Physical Salience? Read Abstract 2019
Alison Lobo James Hoffman Can Emotional Stimuli Break Through the Attentional Blink? Read Abstract 2018
Alejandro Lobo Maria Purciello The DuPont’s Musical Legacy: Music of the Brandywine 1890 to 1920 Read Abstract 2024
Robyn Logue Kevin Solomon,
Akash Vaidya
In Vitro Assembly of Barley-Stripe Mosaic Virus-Like Particles Read Abstract 2023
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