Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Drew Hanley Jennifer Lobasz Non-binary Trends, Tropes, and Tiers in Fictional Media Read Abstract 2018
Ariel Hannum Curtis Johnson Sources of Signal Noise in Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) Read Abstract 2019
Kona Haramoto Jeffry Fuhrmann Enhanced sustainable Soybean Production using Rhizobiophages Read Abstract 2018
Julian Harbaugh Rebecca Davis Seeing Sex: Negotiating Disability and Sexuality in Sex Education Read Abstract 2019
Thomas Harmon Catherine Grimes Synthesis of Muramyl Dipeptide Dimers Read Abstract 2018
Trina Harmon,
Nathan Field
Mary Dozier Working With High Risk Families Read Abstract 2018
Lauren Harper Anja Nohe Ability of CK2.3 to Induce Mineralization in Differentiated Adipocytes Read Abstract 2016
Russell Harris John Jungck Evolutionary Game Theory for Optimizing Cancer Multi-drug Chemotherapy Read Abstract 2016
Sierrah Harris Anna Papafragou How Language Encodes Bounded and Unbounded Events Read Abstract 2017
Christian Harris Stephanie Law Numerical Simulations of Optical Phenomena Read Abstract 2016
Keynon Harris-Miller Carol Henderson Behind the Scenes: Representation of Black Men in Media Effects on Black Male Youth Read Abstract 2018
Joy Harrison Megan McMahon,
Hillary Howrey
Tobacco Cessation Pilot: A quality improvement project Read Abstract 2023
Jaylen Harrison Ross Klauer,
Darien Nguyen
Effect of plasma oxidation on plastics degradation by the yellow mealworm and their gut microbes Read Abstract 2023
William Hart Lori Pollock Analyzing Amazon Web Service’s Serverless Application Latency Times to Study Fluctuations in Cloud Platform Performance Read Abstract 2023
Brittany Hart Shawn Polson,
Eric Wommack
Examining Microbial Response to Diet Shifts in Dairy Cattle Read Abstract 2017
Julie Hartung Lindsay Naylor Urban Food Forestry: Impacting Individuals and Communities Read Abstract 2019
Muizz Hassanali Jennifer Buckley Diversity Initiatives in the College of Engineering Read Abstract 2018
Vanessa Hatton James Jones The Mitigation of Implicit Attitude-Related Behaviors Read Abstract 2017
Vanessa Hatton James Jones,
Personalizing the IAT to Measure Attitudes about Diversity Read Abstract 2016
Lexi Haws Julia O'Hanlon Trends, Issues, and Policy Considerations for Infrastructure and the Aging Population in Delaware Read Abstract 2023
Geordan Haynes Mary Dozier Early Adversity Effects on Adolescent Depression Read Abstract 2023
Owen He Matthew Mauriello Co-Creative Production: Investigating the Impacts of Generative AI Models on Creative Satisfaction Read Abstract 2023
Emma Heath,
Vivien Barnett
Jocelyn Alcantara-Garcia Aging and Dyeing: A Scientific Study of the Degradation of the Natural Dye Quercitron and its Implications in Historic Textiles Read Abstract 2017
Ian Heffner Eric Furst Microrheology and Differential Dynamic Microscopy of Complex Viscoelastic Materials Read Abstract 2016
Ian Heffner Eric Furst Microrheology and Differential Dynamic Microscopy of Complex Viscoelastic Materials Read Abstract 2016
Amanda Heil Michael Frassetto The Literary Portrayals of Female Rulers in 6th Century Europe Read Abstract 2023
Natalie Heindel Sheng Lu Understand Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Legislation on U.S. Fashion Companies Read Abstract 2024
John Hendell Jeffrey Buler,
Christopher Williams
Using Automated Radio Telemetry to Quantify Fine Scale Habitat Use Patterns of Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) Read Abstract 2023
Teric Henry Stephanie Stotts Estimating Sediment Deposition Rates along White Clay Creek using Riparian Trees Read Abstract 2017
Briana Henry Jon Cox Arrivals: What’s Left Behind, What Lies Ahead Read Abstract 2019
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