Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Caleb Demree Jay Custer Using Oyster Microgrowth to Understand Seasonal Consumption Read Abstract 2018
Maria DePinto Mary Dozier Inhibitory Control in Aggressive Children Read Abstract 2018
Travis Deputy Steven Hegedus Effects of CuCl2 and EDA Etching on the JV Response of CdTe Solar Cells Read Abstract 2024
Amanda Deputy Thomas Buckley Examining the Relationship Between Anxiety and Concussion Performance Testing. Read Abstract 2018
Alexis Deputy,
Jolyne Stoup,
Kyle Weidmann
Fouad Kiamilev Design and Development for Infrared Scene Projector Read Abstract 2017
Alexis Deputy,
Spencer Czerwinski,
Mateo Duke,
Daniel May
Fouad Kiamilev Re-Engineering Large Introductory Course (RELIC) in Computer Engineering to Enhance Learning and Participation Read Abstract 2018
Travis Deputy Austin Brockmeier Effects of Targeted Pixilation on Image Classification Using a Custom Computer Vision Model Read Abstract 2023
Ansh Desai Peter Monk Regularized Inversion of the Two-Dimensional Born Operator for Potential Field Reconstruction Read Abstract 2024
Lauren DeSantis Mark Blenner,
Characterizing a Serine Integrase Mediated Integration System in a Non-Conventional Yeast Read Abstract 2024
Aislinn DeSieghardt Peter Mende-Siedlecki Interaction Between Gender and Race in Pain Perception and Treatment Read Abstract 2018
Jonte Desire Jansuz Franco-Barraza,
Kris Raghavan
Welcome to the Neighborhood: Optimizing the in Vitro Production of Pancreatic Cancer’s Microenvironment Read Abstract 2019
Timothy Deska-Kahn Patricia Sloane-White Service Labor in New Castle County – An Ethnographic Treatment Read Abstract 2017
Griffen Desroches Svilen Bobev New Interstitial Intermetallics in the RE-Cd-A System Read Abstract 2016
Kat Deveney,
Lauren Bothum
Lois Stoehr Art Therapy Express: Empowering Inclusive Community through Self-Expression Read Abstract
Paige DeVivo Mary Dozier,
Marta Korom,
Kristen Miller
Effects of Early Life Adversity on Risk-Taking Behavior During Adolescence Read Abstract 2023
Paige DeVivo Mary Dozier,
Marta Korom,
Kristen Miller
Effects of Early Life Adversity on Risky Behavior during Adolescence Read Abstract 2023
Charlotte DeVol Christopher Price Evolution of 3-D Strain Recovery Following Tribological Rehydration in Cartilage Explants Read Abstract 2017
Saurabh Dharmadhikari Anja Nohe Effect of Calcitriol on Inflammatory Breast Cancer Read Abstract 2017
Gabriella Di Domizio Raul Lobo The Capture and Recycle of Aqueous Phosphate by Various Metal Oxides Read Abstract 2017
Aicha Diarra Kalpalatha Melmaiee Determination of Heat Stress: on Three Blueberry Genotypes Read Abstract 2017
Samantha Diaz Amy Biddle The Equine Microbiome Project: Age and the Equine Microbiome Read Abstract 2018
JHAN DIAZ VIDAL NETKARIOS TSOUTSOS Investigating Large-Scale FHE Prototyping on High-Availability Platforms Read Abstract
Alondra Diaz-Pena Emil Hernández-Pagán,
Joel Rosenthal
Surface Plasmon-Assisted Peractivation of Nitrile Functional Groups Read Abstract 2023
Anna DiBattista Pam Green Generation of mutants to study the role of endoribonucleases in plants Read Abstract 2019
Rebecca DiBona Zhihao Zhuang Generation and Utilization of ISG15 Probes for the Identification of Intracellular Interacting Partners Read Abstract 2018
Rebecca DiBona Zhihao Zhuang Enzymatic Generation and Implementation of K48 and K63-linked Diubiquitin in USP15 Inhibitor Discovery Read Abstract 2017
Elizabeth Dickinson Curtis Johnson Brain Changes in Hockey Players Over the Course of a Season Read Abstract 2018
Kassandra Dieter Kevin Shuman Effects of Artificial Sweeteners on the Growth of Bacteria Read Abstract 2019
Ella Dietz Sean O'Neill Workforce Housing Options for Delaware – A Case Study Analysis Read Abstract 2023
Sara Dietz Tanya Gressley Evaluating the Effects of Abomasal Starch Infusions on Bovine Hindgut Fermentation Read Abstract 2017
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